

The story takes place in a city in Germany sometime in the near future. A puzzling incident occurs where a corpse rises up in the form of a strange creature and attacks people. The appearance of the monstrous undead shakes the nation as horrified people look on the incident as a sign of “the coming of demons.” The story is set in a fictional Germany and centers around the outbreak of biomechanical creatures named "evil" attacking the corpses of people and, without thinking to set.Demon have the ability to blend with most technologies, including cars and motorcycles, not just control them, but also improved their performance significantly.
Against them is a group of people known as XAT, Xenogenesis Assault Team, the police these fanatics in an attempt to keep the peace and maintaining the reasons for the "evil" to discover the change. All this time has a number of people appear demonic. Some use their power to others, while good for evil. We will become particularly nasty climb to the other "Pale Rider"

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