Fans of Japanese anime cartoon series involved Blues Con in Memphis, dressing as characters

Memphis, Tennessee - Fans of Japanese-style cartoon show in costume for the first anime (AN'-ih-may) Blues Con in Memphis.
The conference attracted about 1,300 fans at the Hilton Memphis Sunday for panel discussions, autograph sessions and what fans call the "cosplay" - dress like their favorite cartoon characters. Dalya Gebbie of Jonesboro, Arkansas, came as Princess Peach from the "Mario Brothers" series. Another fan, dressed as Mario himself, with a blue overalls, red shirt and a mustache. Transcends the style first popularized by the "Speed ​​Racer" cartoon has geography, age and culture. Conference organizer George Low said, that has not only the limits of anime distributed worldwide, according to the Commercial Appeal. The three-day conference over $ 1,000 raised for the American Red Cross.
