Manga is the Japanese word for comics and print cartoons. (
Anime, on the other hand, is a TV cartoon and movies). Although the manga is basically a comic book, manga, Japanese culture to keep more accurate in comics in American society. Manga is well respected both as an art form and populaaria. In fact, a large adult population in
Japan read manga, and several major manga
magazines in Japan, selling several million copies a week.
That should tell you that the manga is not just for baby stuff.

What kind of story would you be interested?
(0)A tough detective hired to locate a missing child?
(0)A world dominated by human-animal hybrids, after an apocalyptic war in 2054?
(0)Adventure boy-meets-girl-meets-giant-robot?
(0)A historical piece about the general Gempei shadow war?
(0)A successful journalist, who is in a nice homeless man as a pet when her boyfriend leaves her?
There are hundreds of stories to choose from in the manga, and there is something that is addressed to everyone. In addition, many manga titles, combining artistic images, and frames with nuanced reading stories very entertaining and addictive.
Manga is usually classified in various genres. Most popular include:
Shon manga for boys and adolescent males -
(0) Shojo Manga for girls and teens
(0) Children Kodomo
(0)Redisu for adult women
Seine for adult males -
Historical drama Jidaimono -
(0) Suir is crime and murder
(0)Ecchi rate is erotic
So how to start with Manga? Easy.1. Upon entering the store. Most bookstores have a section dedicated to manga, but to really have a great variety of titles, try a comic store. In any case, manga are usually covered in color and perhaps the first pages, but the rest of the story is usually white and black.
2nd Look through the books, read a little. Stop when you find something you like and take home.
3rd If you're familiar with surfing the internet, read manga online first. Do a search for one of the many sites seen online manga sites and scan for shares that are interesting. Many sites that actually show the drawing manga and text book from its website.
Remember that when you read the manga you are reading frames from right to left. Often when you open a manga - as you would an ordinary book - there will often be a page that tells you how to read.
Enter a few manga titles to try to get an idea of what you want. When you find a title you prefer, you can search over the same or similar titles with the publisher. Web Site Search English publisher in front of the book, then check the site - which probably contains a description of all their books and maybe even a little 'will be shown online.
Tracey Patterson loves to collect manga and realizes the importance of manga online to unveil new titles that should never be available. Visit his review and advice on his blog,
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