Legendary animation studio in Japan, Ghibli ready to release his latest film in the near future. The title of their latest animated film is THE WIND Rises. According to news obtained by Anime News Network, the animated film will be released simultaneously in Japan on July 20.

The story in the film picked up the story of a fictional biography of Jiro Horikoshi, designer of Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter planes in World War II era Aircraft. Hayao hand through the story will be realized in the visualization of anime drawing hand is undoubtedly its beauty.

As is tradition Ghibli ever before, this time was the animated film adapted from the novel or manga. THE WIND Rises manga adaptation of the same name filmed Hayao Miyazaki, the acting in this film as a director.

For the English version, THE WIND Rises will be distributed by Disney. But until now the release date for the English version has not been announced.
